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TAGPUAN DAY in Romblon

The National Food Authority (NFA) never ceases to deliver its services as it deploys another mobile store today in Bgy. Cobrador, Romblon though its Tagpuan Day Rice Response Delivery (TRRD). Barangay residents were able to buy rice at P27 per kilogram. The program is in coordination with the Grains Retailers Confederation of the Philippines, Inc. (GRECON) of Romblon led by…

Leyte Vendor And His P32/Kg Rice

His name is Dennis. He hails from Jaro, Leyte and is one of the many street fishball vendors braving the streets of Alangalang even under the scorching heat of the sun.   Dennis was just passing by the NFA Alangalang Warehouse, one of his usual routes, when he saw the GRECON – Palo Operated Outlet stationed outside the said warehouse….

TAGPUAN DAY in Several Barangays in Zamboanga City

More than 5,000 ordinary consumers including the indigenous people were served in several barangays in Zamboanga City during the Tagpuan Day Rice Response Delivery (TRRD) activities conducted by NFA in partnership with the local grains association, GRECON and local government units. The P27.00/kg NFA rice were made available in these barangays such as Cawit, La Paz, Guiwan, Lunzuran and San…